Copyright Paws in Your Heart. All rights reserved.

Paws in Your Heart

Providing a Gentle Goodbye for a Beloved Pet in Your Own Home


I don't even know where to begin.  We made the difficult decision to put our 12 year old Black Lab, Bella, down.  I knew I did not want to go to a clinic; I wanted here in our living room, where she always laid, with a fire in the fireplace and soft music in the background.  I wanted it to be calm, peaceful and respectful...that is what I ideally envisioned.
Dr. Dunne was recommended by my neighbor and when I called her to schedule the appointment, she patiently listened as I regaled her with stories of Bella and voiced my concerns and anxiety about letting her go.  I'm sure she has heard it all before but she was patient and gentle on the phone.
When she arrived that morning, she sat on the living room floor with Bella and our 3 year old chocolate Lab, Phoebe.  We talked for awhile until the girls settled down.  Bella laid down right in front of Dr. Dunne and she explained exactly what would happen step by step.  She even told us how Phoebe would react when Bella's spirit left her body and she was spot on. She did not rush us; she waited for our signal and encouraged us to love on her as long as we wished.  After Bella passed, she pressed her paw into a clay heart she had brought with her and pressed her name letter by letter at the bottom of the heart.
Three days later we received condolence card from Dr. Dunne. In it she relayed all the stories we had told her about Bella that afternoon along with The Rainbow Bridge story.  It was so touching it brought me to tears.
In the end, it was more special than I envisioned.  I was so grateful to her for releasing my girl in such a peaceful beautiful way. I wish I could give her more than 5 stars because she really took a horrible event in my life and made it beautiful.  Thank you very, very much Dr. Dunne...I am so grateful. K Pitts  February 27, 2019

Our heartfelt thanks to Dr. Dunne for her empathy and compassion shown to our Chestnut and to us. She provided all of us with a calm experience of love at a difficult time. Chestnut's Mom and Dad. 1-22-2019

​Dr. Dunne has the perfect "bedside" manner and eases the pain on all counts.  December 27, 2018

My experience with Dr. Dunne today was nothing short of amazing. She is compassionate, heartfelt. She cares so much about making sure you feel good aboutyour decision! It was a hard decision I had to make but I knew it had to be done. She made me feel so at ease! Thanks so much for taking care of my best friend. J Burke December 13, 2018

"Dr. Dunne was wonderful. I called her on Thursday, after having received the terminal diagnosis for my cat, Chester, and she was able to come to my house the next evening. Chester was always extremely stressed out going to our vet's office, so I knew I had to say goodbye to him at home. I knew it was the right time because he was no longer acting like his usual self and wasn't even grooming himself. And now that there was no hope for recovery, I didn't want him to suffer any longer. He was only 2 years old so it was a heartbreaking time. Dr. Dunne was extremely compassionate, making sure I was comfortable with everything that was going on, and explaining exactly what she was doing at each step. She was also patient with me and my emotional state. I would completely recommend Dr. Dunne to anyone who needs to say goodbye to their pet, and I would not hesitate to use her services again." J McKewan December 9, 2018

​Dr. Dunne was very kind and caring.  December 9, 2018

​No rushing and very supportive of the whole family.  December 8, 2018

​An angel in disguise. What a beautiful service she offered for my beloved pet. December 7, 2018

"Saying goodbye to our Labradoodle Allie was the hardest thing this family has ever had to go through, but Dr. Dunne was like an angel sent from heaven. The entire experience was peaceful and perfect. She sat on the floor with us as we all held Allie and said our goodbyes. We shared tears and laughs and stories until she took her last breath. Thank you, Dr. Dunne, from the bottom of our hearts. You embraced us with your smile and a gentleness that we will never forget." K Hartman Raby  December 3, 2018 

Paws in Your Heart made a heartbreaking decision be as peaceful & calm as could be. Dr. Dunne was so compassionate. I am so grateful.  Dec. 2, 2018

Very respectful.  Nov. 24, 2018

​You did a wonderful job making a terrible time more bearable Thank You for making our Baron as comfortable as possible.  Nov. 22, 2018

We cannot thank you enough for your kind heart and compassion. Highly, highly recommend- If you need a private and compassionate good-bye with your fur baby at home. Dr. Dunne is the sweetest and most compassionate vet. Absolutely the best call during the worst possible time. P. & C. Rizzo  August 16, 2016

Dr Dunne and her services were something that I had looked into a couple years ago for my aging dog. After a traumatic and sudden passing of my golden, I knew that I didn’t want to ever go through that again and certainly never put an animal through it. 
I contacted Dr Dunne this morning and set up an appt for this evening.I am so thankful she was able to come that day because I didn’t want to second guess what I knew was the best choice for my eleven year old golden, Bailee. 
We spent the day doing what Bailee loves best and when it came time for her to be there, she didn’t rush in the least!! She took time sitting and talking to Bailee, as a friend in our home would have done. I NEVER once felt like Bailee was anxious. She made sure to explain everything in a sweet and quiet demeanor. I could have never asked for a more peaceful passing for my baby girl. 
I cannot recommend and thank you enough. R. Parsons June 14, 2018

The year of 2017 was a difficult year for this family. Crystal lost her mother to sickness in late April. It was a devastating loss to our whole family. Then 6 months later we lost Missy, a Rottweiler mix. Crystal's beloved dog and wonderful companion of 15 years. She was a beautiful special soul with a personality of her own like none other. She left her wonderful sweet companion of 12 years behind. That was our beautiful loving Cloie. Our Angel. Cloie was a Golden Retriever that was nothing but good, kindhearted and sweet always. Very dear to our hearts as well. Unfortunately about 3 months after Missy's passing Cloie was diagnosed with a terminal cancerous tumor that was growing rapidly. The doctor gave her 2 to 4 weeks to live. God shed his Grace on us by giving her 3 weeks, which in turn allowed her to still be with us on our Wedding Day. Unfortunately, a week after our Wedding she began to succumb to this horrible disease. We had already made a decision to have someone come to our home to avoid anymore stress on Cloie. We contacted Dr. Gundula Dunne of Paws In Your Heart. She was one of the most compassionate ,loving, supportive people we have ever met and clearly has a love for animals. Not only was she kind and compassionate. Dr. Dunne took the time to send us a card with best wishes and beautiful thoughts of the love between the two dogs that we had shared with her previously. She made the passing of our dog peaceful and comfortable, all the while giving us support. We cannot express how much gratitude we have for her during this difficult time. Thank You So Much for all your thoughts wishes and support. I would highly recommend her. Again Dr. Dunne Thank you so much for your kindness and thoughtfulness!! It has meant so much to us.  Crystal Alessie and Bob Rachwal.  February 10, 2018

Dr Dunne is extremely professional and extremely caring and she made this experience special. Having our Baxter put to sleep in the home he was used to and comfortable in was something we could have not imagined prior to finding out about Paws in Your Heart. Thank you from the bottom of our heavy hearts.  February 8, 2018

Dr Dunne was compassionate & patient throughout this emotional experience with our Sweet Lola. I will be telling others about Dr Dunne and her service. A sincere thank you from our family. January 26, 2018

Your kindness, compassion, and professionalism is unmatched. Thank you so much for giving Majjck a dignified and respectful send off.  January 9, 2018 

Dr. Dunne was fabulous . Sure sure made the most difficult decision in my life a beautiful and peaceful passing. Thanks so much for the kindness shown to me and many others.  January 5, 2018

Dr. Dunne is so compassionate and made sure we had more then enough time with our beloved cat. Both my husband and I are extremely impressed by her genuine service of love. We highly recommend her!  January 4, 2018

Amazing. Simply amazing. Thank you with all my heart. A. Prentiss  December 16, 2017

Just minutes ago, we lost our beloved pet, yet Dr. Dunne made the whole experience so stress less and caring. We are so appreciative.  November 1, 2017

Thank you for making a tough decision seem right.  Your kindness and professionalism made this experience
a positive one.  It's too quiet in our home with her. I miss her wagging tail, kisses, snoring at night, and now I have
to pick up food from the floor myself.  I don't think my husband will let me get another dog, but we could never replace Harley from our hearts anyway.  Truely, THANK YOU for your caring loving way...
  God Bless You...from: The Karwick Family  October 27, 2017

Dr Dunne was very approachable, kind and very patient. She was extremely empathetic and gave us, as well as our beloved boy Milo, a peaceful experience.  D. Grambo.  October 10, 2017

Extremely compassionate and kind service. Would recommend to my friends. Thank you so much for your kindness. Did not want my little friend to suffer one minute more. Thank you for the loving experience.E. Lydon October 9, 2017

We would like to thank Dr. Dunne for arriving so quickly at our residence and playing the role of part superhero, part angel. Our family pet Goomba went to sleep peacefully and Dr. Dunne showed sympathy and professionalism the entire time. Thank you!       S. R. September 20, 2017

Extremely caring and supportive. She was awesome and made a very difficult task tolerable. Would recommend her to anyone! 

J. Cheston September 12, 2017

Well euthanizing my soft coated Wheaton Terrier was one of the hardest things I've ever done, Dr Dunne's professionalism and compassionate care of both me and my beautiful dog made it so much easier than I ever though it could be. What was so painful was at the same time peaceful and loving. Thank so much Dr Dunne. I'm going to recommend you to all pet owner friends! You're the BEST!!!!  September 2, 2017

Dr Dunn is very compassionate and everything went perfectly. It was very difficult and she knew exactly how to handle the passing. RIP Freckles.  August 31, 2017

I had my beautiful lovable litter mates Max and Ally since they were rescued as tiny kittens in 2001. I adored them and they adored each other. When Ally took a terrible turn for the worse in November, it was horrible for us all. Max continued to lay by her side during her last few days. Ally’s veterinarian is wonderful, but Ally always hated going there and was so stressed there. The thought of having to take her back to the animal hospital seemed cruel as she was so weak and it became obvious that she would not recover. I am grateful that they suggested at home euthanasia could be an option. Finding Dr. Dunne’s website was the best thing that could have happened. Dr. Dunne was kind, caring and competent, giving me peace of mind and confidence in making a difficult decision. She was generous with her time and her spirit from the very first phone call, was available evenings and weekends, never seemed hurried and even told me I could call just to talk. She supported and advised but never pushed, helping me to accept that euthanizing Ally was the best thing I could do for her. She made the actual process so peaceful, allowing me to hold her and giving me ample time to say goodbye. She was loving and gentle to us all, even wanting to check on Max when she “brought Ally home”. Dr. Dunne is a gift to animal lovers and pet owners. If you think you might need her services, I urge you to call. It will be the best thing you can do to help your beloved pet and yourself.  Anne Marie Tucker.  January 22, 2017

PAWS IN YOUR HEART is a loving and important service and Dr. Dunne is a first class human being.  We couldn’t have imagined a more peaceful passing for our treasured little cat.  Bobby was home, in his favorite spot, with his best buddy, Frodo, instead of being transported in his much hated carrier to a noise filled environment.  This was the first time we used Dr. Dunne’s in home service but it will not be the last.  From the bottom our hearts, thank you for making our final moments with Bobby calm, loving, peaceful and dignified.  Denice Subach January 17, 2017

If anyone has ever had to make the decision to put their beloved pet down you know what a painful experience it is . Our neighbor is a pet hospice vet and last night she was able to transition our neighborhood cat in his own home in the most beautiful way. This is information we unfortunately want but it a must save . Thank you Gundula Dunne!   December 5, 2016

Dr Dunne is very compassionate.  December 1, 2016

Dr. Dunne was fantastic. September 5, 2016

Dr. Dunne put my dog at ease and my family at ease with her gentle manner. She explained everything clearly before it happened. Her compassion is extraordinary. She is also very capable. The clay pawprint keepsake means a lot to my family. Thank you. David Doyle, MD.   August 1, 2016

Dr. Dunne was wonderful, friendly & compassionate. Thank you for making a difficult time a little bit easier.  July 10, 2016

The kindness and care are outstanding. You made a difficult decision easier to deal with. Thank you.
June 9, 2016

Dr. Dunne provided every service and consideration we could have wished for. She was flexible, helpful, and discussed every aspect of the procedure with us before we began.
All pets are special to their owners and caregivers, but Dr. Dunne made us feel as though our cat, Sano, was special to her too, despite having only just met him. She treated him with dignity and grace, and extended us every courtesy, despite our last-minute request for assistance. We had ample opportunity to say a peaceful good-bye. She listened to our stories, smiled at past antics, and offered reassurance when asked. She assured us that she was on our timetable and she stuck to that promise at every stage of the process.
After Sano passed, she helped us wrap his body for burial, never treating him with anything less than gentleness and respect.
It is never easy to say good-bye to a beloved pet. If you are afraid that an in-home vet visit will expose your own private grief, don't be. If you're afraid a visiting vet would push you to hurry so they can make their next appointment, don't be. If you want an in-home visit but aren't sure about the cost, do yourself a favor and give her a call.
Dr. Dunne was a kindler, gentler guide than I knew someone could be. There were no better hands to shepherd our Sano through his last moments.  I'd wager there are no better hands in all of Buffalo.  Joel and Jessica,  June 20, 2016


I want to thank you for taking care of my beloved Doro this past Saturday. Your kindness and compassion for both our family and Doro were so very much appreciated in this dark hour.  He was the sweetest animal I have ever known (and I grew up on a farm surrounded by animals), and the love and care he was given in his final moments will never be forgotten.
Thank you for your service to all animal lovers!  I will tell everyone I know about you! [...]  Thank you again.  You will always be remembered.  Patty. May 26, 2016

Dear Dr. Dunne, I can't begin to tell you how much it meant to us to have you here to send Tora on her final journey. Your compassion for Tora & her family is like nothing we have ever experienced before. We have had to send a few fur babies on before Tora but it was nothing like it was for Tora. We can never thank you enough. It also made it a little better for Tora's Mom who as you know is in North Carolina. It was easier to let her go from a distance knowing how you comforted & talked to Tora & us through the whole process. We also would like to thank you for the card you sent. You made it so personal by remembering things we told you about Tora. I'm crying now so I will close by just saying thank you again for everything. You will always be special again. Sincerely, Tora's Family   May 18, 2016

I recently had to make the decision for what was best for my 18 year old fur baby, Jiggy. While it was an extremely difficult decision to make we knew we had to do what was right for her. My friend, Tracy, recently had to make the same decision with her Harley. She chose home euthanasia and had such a good experience with it we decided to go the same route.
We chose Paws In Your Heart. Where do I begin to tell you about our experience. From the first phone call to Dr. Dunne before we even took Jiggy to the vet (we had a feeling something was very wrong) our hearts couldn't have found a better person. Dr. Dunne is extremely compassionate and truly cares about the fur babies. After we got the devastating news of Jiggy's diagnosis/prognosis our vet offered to do the procedure. We declined and chose to bring Jiggy home with us. Once home I called Dr. Dunne back and asked her if she could come to our home on Friday (4/29/16). We talked more about the actual procedure of home euthanasia, and again, she spoke with such compassion that I knew we were making the right decision. For the rest of Thursday and early Friday morning we held Jiggy, walked with her, talked to her and told her how much we loved her and what joy she brought to our lives. The fateful time arrived and Dr. Dunne came to our home. From the minute she walked in the door and immediately hugged me I knew Jiggy was going to be in good hands. We talked for a bit and told her how Jiggy and the rest of the fur babies came into our lives. As Pat and I cried she was comforting beyond words, from hugging us to just reaching out for our hands, petting Jiggy, and talking to Jiggy. The focus wasn't just to euthanize Jiggy, the focus was on all of us as a family. I was able to hold Jiggy throughout the entire procedure (which I will not go into detail about). All I will say is that it was the most peaceful, loving experience. Jiggy laid in my lap on the blanket she was born on. I held her, kissed her, pet her, talked to her and let her know it was alright to start the new journey she going on. Dr. Dunne took a clay pawprint of Jiggy's little paw and gave it to us as a keepsake. She did not rush us in any fashion. Everything she did was on our time frame. When we were ready to let Jiggy go she helped us prepare her for transport to Pet Heaven Funeral Home for cremation. Dr. Dunne gave us a final parting hug and said we could call on her anytime we felt the need, even to just talk. I cannot tell you how much having this option of home euthanasia meant to us. For Jiggy to be in her familiar surroundings, instead of the stress of taking her to the vet was so comforting. We were able to hold her and let her go at our time frame, not worrying about having to vacate an exam room.
If any of you are ever in the position to have to make this same decision I can whole heartedly recommend Paws In Your Heart/Dr. Dunne. I wish I had known about her eight months ago when Baby had to make that same journey. I will forever be grateful to Tracy for recommending Paws In Your Heart/Dr. Dunne.  Mrs. McNamara  May 1, 2016

The words of others that we read were what made us choose Dr. Dunne during that incredibly difficult and anxious time.  Full disclosure:my fiance and I were a wreck during that time. From the second she picked up the phone, while understanding how difficult it was on us, she helped begin to put us at ease by softly talking through the procedure.  She was kind enough to accommodate our schedule that day, and helped make everything about it feel that in hindsight, it was the best possible ceremony we could give to our dog, Jersey.  Nothing about the time she spent with us was rushed in any way.  She took a fur clipping and a paw print of Jersey, both of which meant the world to us.  It's been a month since we laid Jersey to rest, and each and every time my fiance and I talk about that day, we both feel incredibly lucky and blessed that Dr Dunne was there to help us through it all.   John and Diondra,  April 6th, 2016

Dr. Dunne.  WOW!  Words cannot express how my family and I feel about how fortunate we are that our paths crossed, and how impressed we were with her sincere caring, compassion, empathy and professionalism.  I knew from my first telephone conversation with Dr. Dunne that she was the one who would put our dog (Maddie) to rest.  She was the first person that I called regarding the service that she offers, after talking with her for approximately ten minutes, I knew that there was no need to look any further.  I found exactly what I was looking for.
Prior to meeting Dr. Dunne in person, my wife and I spoke with her via telephone three or four times.  In addition to our conversations consisting of Dr. Dunne thoroughly explaining the end of life process, she offered emotional support when needed.  We gave her updates on Maddie’s condition and obtained answers to many questions.  When the time came for us to meet in person, she was everything and more that she was when we spoke with her via telephone.  Understanding that pets are truly apart of ones family, Dr. Dunne cared for Maddie and our family; as well, if not better than one would expect from hospice healthcare providers who care for our failing loved ones.
In today’s business environment, business owners and their employees cannot be content with having satisfied customers, they need to WOW the customer just to stay competitive.
Dr. Dunne without question WOWED our family when she provided a level of care, compassion, professionalism and service that is second to none.  She did so prior to, during, and after Maddie passed.  Due to an unexpected change in Maddie’s condition on the day that she passed, Dr. Dunne rushed to our home five hours prior to our scheduled appointment so that she would be able to tend to Maddie’s needs.
Dr. Dunne provides a tremendous service.  In my opinion, she is doing exactly what she was put on this earth to do;  I cannot imagine anyone performing the service that she offers better than she does.  I strongly recommend that you seriously consider using Dr. Dunne during your family and pet’s time of need.  You will not regret it.   The Green family  February 2, 2016

Thank you so much for helping me through such a difficult experience.  That was by far the hardest thing I've ever had to do, but your kindness was very comforting.  I appreciate the clay paw print of his paw more than I can express.  You truly allowed him to go peacefully, which is all I ever wanted for him at his time.   January 14, 2016

You put my cat to sleep last week…I just wanted to thank you for the heart shaped plaque with her name and paw print on it.  Right now that means more to me than anything… Vivian, January 18, 2016

Dr Dunne was so kind and helpful with this difficult decision. Thank you for taking care of my Sabrina.   12/20/2015

“This experience was extremely difficult but the [Dr. Dunne] was very comforting and helpful during the entire process! She made it exactly what I had hoped for and I will always be appreciative for that.”
December 28, 2015

Thank you I found the little paw print on the microwave.  I just wanted to thank you for the worst day of my life.  You made is so nice.  I love the paw print.  Goofy is the only losable dog I ever had, so I took his license tag and pressed his license into the clay next to his name.  It looks really nice.  I just wanted to call and thank you for all your help and being so sweet to me and the family.  Thank you very much.  November  2015

Thank you so much for your kindness.  The heart you made me with Jack’s paw print came out great.  I painted ceramics with my sister-in-law and I plan on painting it very nice…I think your work must be very hard, but you are great at it and very kind and caring person.  Thank you again for all your caring words.  October 20, 2015

Thank you for your kindness and care as you helped us say goodbye.  It was a comfort to have her final moments in a place where she was relaxed and loved.  Your gentle countenance and character set everyone at ease.  You were truly an avenue of God’s grace during a difficult time.  October 23, 2015

Dr Dunne came to my home on August 15th and helped to end my dogs suffering. She made this experience something I will never forget. She asked my 9 yr old granddaughter if she had any questions. We weren't rushed. Jackson passed so peacefully and without fear. It was exactly what I hoped it would be. Afterwards after she took him out of my house, she laid him down with a pillow under his head and covered him in his favorite blanket. Thank you for everything.  Nancy,
August 17, 2015

Veterinary Services Most Appreciated, Editorial from Niagara Gazette
We were pet owners.  Our 13 year-old golden retriever Kona had a tumor and we would eventually be faced with the heartbreaking decision to have her put to sleep.  Knowing this in advance was helpful and allowed time to plan for home euthanasia – Kona’s best option.  A veterinarian was contacted that would come to our house to put her to sleep and only a call was needed when that time came.  Kona took a turn for the worsed so we placed the call bur the vet in our plan was out of town and unable to come.  We searched online and found Dr. Gundula Dunne of “Paws in Your Heart” offering home euthanasia.  We called Dr. Dunne and explained our situation.  She was very sympathetic and assured us she could help.  Sunday came and Kona wasn’t any better so I called.  I asked if she could come out but that I understood it being Father’s Day and she probably had plans.  Without hesitation, Dr. Dunne said she would come.  She arrived and explained the process and what to expect, had the required paperwork filled out for us, asked if we had any questions and then gently ended Kona’s pain and put her to sleep.  We’re expressing our deepest gratitude to Dr. Dunne for this awesome service she provides and urge all pet owner facing this touch decision to contact her at  Mark Gray Ransomville

Thank you so much for your care and compassion for my very much loved cat Minnie.  I miss her so much but I know she is at peace and in a better place.  I will treasure always the paw prints of Minnie you made for me .  Thank you again from the bottom of my heart.  Jenny,  May 11, 2015

Thank you Dr. Dunne for your assistance today.  It went very well. I could not have asked for a kinder gentler person to help my Yogi move on. You soft spoken words and touch were exactly what she needed and what we needed as a family.
April 19, 2015

Thank you so much.   That was a gentle finish to a much loved dog.  Michael, February 1, 2015

Dear Friend,
Please know how much we appreciated your help yesterday when Diva’s dying.  I'll never forget how kind you were to us at this sad time.  John, November 11, 2014